[ QTM2-KTCM ] Modul för kodning av smartcards och kontaktlösa kort.
Detta kit är för uppgradering av Quantum2.
The CardMan5121 is based on a 13.56 MHz contactlesssmart card RFID interface that is compliant with ISO specifications 14443 Aand B and 15693.
The reader works with a variety of 13.56 MHz contactlesssmart cards including, but not limited to:
Philips: MIFARE®, DESFire®, MIFARE ProX®, and i.code
Texas Instruments: TagIT®
ST Micro: x-ident, SR 176, SR 1X 4K
Infineon: My-d (in secure mode UID only)
Atmel: AT088RF020
KSW MicroTech: KSW TempSens